
Thoughts, ideas, photos, and stories.

Not “Hoo” but Where?


It was an owly night. I couldn’t sleep for the sounds of hooting and hissing and screeching right outside my bedroom window. But WHERE were they? I needed them to get rid of those pests.

Owls are not the only animals on nightshift.

Look what that destructive little bunny did to my front yard. I don’t know what he’s digging for. I suspect it’s the roots of those tiny dandelion-like flowers (weeds). He must have heard the owls, but these roots are so yummy (I guess), it’s worth the risk of becoming dinner himself.

He deposits some tiny raisins of fertilizer – a snack for Emma and Ruby –  to show his appreciation for the midnight snack, but … those huge holes are everywhere.

Einstein and the junior professor are asleep at the switch. I guess that’s what happens when you stay up all hootin’ night.



The night was black until the moon

Lit up the darkness and the gloom,

“Soft lighting on our dinner plate,”

The old owl says, “It’s getting late.

Glide down with me. I’ll show you how

To catch this rabbit. Come! Right now!”


As Einstein swooped on silent wings

He thought, Tonight we’ll dine like kings.

The bunny leapt, he heard the whoosh,

As talons missed his ears and tush.

Into the hedge he slipped away

“I’ll eat those roots another day.”



“The holes I’ve dug will still be there

I’ve dug so many everywhere.

I know that Anne-li will be mad

And curse me out for being bad,

But everybody’s got to eat,

As long as I’m not Owl Meat.”


Author: wordsfromanneli

Writing, travel, photography, nature, more writing....

43 thoughts on “Not “Hoo” but Where?

  1. I like your poem! Shame on the bunny, turn your dog loose on it. Grr!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Emma once caught a rabbit when she was just a young pup and it was not a pretty thing to see. I don’t want to go through that again (and neither do the rabbits). But if an owl takes a rabbit away at night when I don’t know about it, well…. I’ve heard them when they’ve caught a rabbit at night. It’s hard to listen to.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. With us, it’s the deer that leave those little pellets of fertilizer.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. “It was an owly night.” LOL! That made me laugh, Anneli.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Consider yourself lucky. We have skunks!


  5. Hahaha. I love your poem. Owl meat – pretty funny. 😀


  6. I suppose technically it would have been rabbit meat, but anyway, you got the gist of it. I bet they’re out there right now digging up the grass! And the owls don’t give a hoot. Actually they did give a hoot (many hoots and hisses last night) but all they did was “talk big, no action.”


  7. I suppose technically it would have been rabbit meat, but anyway, you got the gist of it. I bet they’re out there right now digging up the grass! And the owls don’t give a hoot. Actually they did give a hoot (many hoots and hisses last night) but all they did was “talk big, no action.”


  8. Fantastic photos of the owls. It must be hauntingly beautiful to hear them hoot in the darkness, when all else is quiet. I enjoyed hearing them here at our place, but it seems they no longer come to sit in the big fir tree in the corner. I haven’t heard them for some time now. Love the poem.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Sonja. The reason you’re not hearing them is they all came up here. They follow the food, but don’t worry. They’re Schwarzenegger Owls. “I’ll be back!” Glad you enjoyed the poem. Thanks for visiting.


  9. I’m glad the bunny got away! Very cute poem and love the photos, too!!! Now you’re up all night taking photos!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. What busy nighttime shenanigans at your house. I didn’t know bunnies dug up the lawn. And those owls… not very vigilant! A fun post, Anneli.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Owl meat? I love it! And love owls too, but they don’t keep me up at night…

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Oh my my! But it must be such a spy game. Beautiful write up.

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  13. I love your nighttime adventures. Who knew the bunnies would be up so late at night with the owls?

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Fun poem and nice picture with the sleeping owls. The bad bunny was lucky that night but for how long will he be lucky? Around our place are a lot of “Käuzchen” and they hoot a lot – I guess they are a small version of owls?


  15. I have lots of tawny owls around here, which are the ones that make the tu-wit tu-woo cry beloved of filmmakers who want an atmospheric, eerie night scene. They also have a very loud KEWICK cry, and one year, I had one chattering away close to my window. Owls of all kinds are such amazing birds. But, so very noisy!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’ve never seen a tawny owl, but I remember that when I was in Brownies as a little girl, we had Tawny Owl (our leader’s helper – the leader was Brown Owl) and we used to skip around in a circle singing, tu-wit tu-woo-woo-woo, tu-wit tu-woo-woo-woo, etc. It never occurred to me in the 40-below climate of northern BC that there might be such a thing as a real tawny owl (probably not up there).

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  16. Delightful tale! The yard definitely has plenty of activity, waiting to erupt in the dark shadows.


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