
Thoughts, ideas, photos, and stories.

The Black Bear


We were not looking for bears. More like looking OUT for them, but not really expecting to see any.

What are YOU lookin’ at?

We surprised this fellow, as he was coming down to the beach for a sip of water on a hot morning.

We were in the skiff, using the more powerful gas motor to get from our campsite to the favourite fishing spot at the other end of the lake (after which we would use the small electric motor), when the black shape appeared on the beach to our left.

The Captain reined in the speed and headed towards the bear so I could get a picture, but with the change in speed and the wake catching up  behind us, the photos I snapped were not great. Again I apologize. These pics were rush jobs, trying to compensate for the rocking boat, but if I had taken even another second to focus better, the bear would have been gone. As it was, after two quick clicks, he melted into the woodwork.

Looks like we interrupted his plans for a sunny morning on the beach.

Sheesh! Happens to me all the time!

I looked for bears all the rest of the day. When we stepped onto the beach for a swim, I was Mrs. Rubberneck, constantly checking the bushes behind me.

Later, when I told the campsite host that we’d seen a bear on the beach, he looked like he’d seen a ghost. After a moment, I realized how it sounded. I laughed and said, “No! Not here on the beach. Way over, halfway down the lake.”

I guess he had thought he had a nuisance bear wandering through the campsites and he’d have to deal with it.  Whew! Was he relieved!


Author: wordsfromanneli

Writing, travel, photography, nature, more writing....

41 thoughts on “The Black Bear

  1. Wow! He’s a big one, Anneli.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You were very lucky! I haven’t seen one yet this year.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I might have packed my stuff and hurried home!

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  4. What a wonderland you live in 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I’m jealous! I was hoping to see a black bear on my recent trip to Yosemite. Several times my travel mate had to say “no Juanita, that’s just a stump”!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I know! I know! I’ve seen more bear-like stumps than I have real bears. It’s always a thrill to see them, as long as they aren’t trying to maul you. Most of our black bears have good manners though.


  6. Looks like a juvenile yearling? We have lots of visible bears here and mostly they will scamper away if they see people. Some will sit in the middle of the road or right next to it though. That’s worrisome, because it likely means that they have been fed by humans.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. You’re braver than I. I’d be afraid the bear might swim. 😉 Cool that you got to see it and get a couple photos. I think they’re pretty good for such a quick sighting.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Another enjoyable post Anneli, I can imagine how thrilling it must be to see a wild bear! I just hope people take note of the signs not to feed them. Sadly humans have a lot to answer for when it comes to messing up the lives of our fellow creatures! x

    Liked by 1 person

    • Way out where we were, there would have been no signs, but in parks and areas closer to town, people do need reminders. We think we’re doing a good thing, being kind to them but we are just making them more susceptible to being rounded up when we inadvertently lure them into town by making food available to them. The worst problems tend to be in the outlying areas where bears get into the garbage and people don’t take note to secure these “attractions.”


  9. I can imagine how relieved you were to have a motor and not oars! I’m not sure I would have taken a dip in that lake with a bear nearby. Hope you weren’t “bare” either, just in case you had to make a break for it. Ha ha ha. Great pics!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. The second picture is really good, despite the not so great picture taking situation.


  11. Wow! You got great photos of the bear. Hubby really wants to see a bear in our yard, at a distance. I saw a cub years ago. That was wonderful.

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  12. Great pictures even that the one was a bit blurry. I had my bear adventures on the Charlottes with big bears too and I wouldn´t want to miss them. It’s just a beautiful country in which you are living!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Such wonderful animals at a healthy distance😏

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  14. You are lucky photographer! What a beautiful animal!
    Next time there, please, take a picture of a black cougar.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ha ha. First, we don’t have black cougars, but if we did, and I wanted to take a picture of one, I’d have to strap the camera to the back of my head because I would be getting out of there! But oops! No, I couldn’t do that. They say never run or they chase. But wouldn’t it be amazing to see one and be able to get its photo!!!

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  15. How big was this bear?

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  16. I have never had this problem. However, the advice should be paid mind to.

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  17. Yes, they almost always run away, unless they’ve become too used to people (maybe hanging around campsites, or close to houses on the outskirts of town). Glad you’ve never had the problem.

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