
Thoughts, ideas, photos, and stories.


A No-Name Squirrel

Crispin and Harriet (of Tom, Dick, and Harriet fame) have had a baby – possibly two, but the baby (orĀ  babies) has been scampering around so fast that it’s hard to tell who’s who. For sure we have one whom I’ll call Junior for lack of a name just now. It’s just a step up from No-Name.

Harriet is going crazy, trying to take care of Junior. Doesn’t he know it’s dangerous to be out in the open like that?

“Junior! Junio-o-o-o-r!” she screams. “Get over here!” See her on the stump below, calling Junior?

“But I’m hungry, Ma!” Junior complains.

“Well, come over here and have some sunflower seeds.”

“Here, I’ll try to find one under the jar. Your father is so messy. He tips the jar over and doesn’t even clean up after himself. Yes, here you go.”

“Thanks, Ma.”

Turn on your sound for a quick slice of Junior’s new life.

Can you think of a name for Junior?