
Thoughts, ideas, photos, and stories.


A Fish Story


Did you ever catch two fish with one hook?

Sometimes these freak things happen. This greedy ling was not satisfied to eat a salmon but had to bite at the fisherman’s lure for dessert before he even took the time to finish his main meal. If I didn’t have the photo for proof  you might well say that this is just a fish story.

img718This is the Captain’s first boat that he bought about 46 years ago. It was already very old even then, and saw some interesting things. (The Captain is a wee bit older now too, and has recently retired from commercial fishing.)


The opposite scenario to this “two fish for one,” also happened (more than once) but I don’t have a photo of it. Here is how that happens.

A salmon is jerking the fishing line. The deckhand pulls it aboard, but in the time between the salmon announcing his presence and the deckhand pulling him aboard, only the front half of the fish is left. The rest has become breakfast for a sea lion or a shark. The tooth marks on the fish’s half body tell the story.

BTW, take a look at the Captain’s cap and tell me if you think fishing is a bloody job. CSI would have fun with that blood spatter.