
Thoughts, ideas, photos, and stories.

Two Left Feet


Once again, I was inspired by a post by David Kanigan https://davidkanigan.com/2022/06/28/walking-bring-out-your-dead/ when he wrote about feet and balance. It reminded me that about 8 years ago I had done a post about two left feet. I thought it wouldn’t hurt to re-post it just for a little chuckle. My apologies for followers from that time who have already seen this.

Chapter One

It’s easy to laugh at someone else when they do something silly, forgetful, or just plain stupid. I don’t think there’s any harm in it as long as the “someone” is laughing too. Then you’re laughing “with” them rather than “at” them.

On a weekend fishing trip one summer, the Captain and I had fished for trout on the lake and stopped to stretch our legs on a gravelly beach at the mouth of a creek that fed into the lake.

IMGP0664After a while, a fish jumped and made quite a big splash at the mouth of the creek. The Captain grabbed his flyrod and cast towards the ripples the fish had left.

Fishing [1]

The fish was a tease, jumping repeatedly, just out of reach. No problem, high gumboots meant the Captain could wade into the water and get closer.

But not quite close enough. The Captain is a good flyline caster but still, the fly landed just a little bit short each time.

“Aw…darn,” he said. “My boot has a leak. Oh well, might as well go in a bit farther. I’m already wet. I think I can get close enough. Darn it all! Should’ve brought my waders.”

Wading outfit

Persistence paid off, and the fish was hooked and released. Now for a well-deserved rest on the gravel bed. The rocks warmed the fisherman with the wet pants and sopping wet feet.

As he lay down on the gravel to soak up some warmth, I took his photo and noticed….

Two left feet up close

Not only was there a split in the bottom of one boot — the cause of the leak — but the boots were for two left feet. Somewhere at home in the garage were boots for two right feet.

Chapter Two

This may seem to be a whole other topic, but I assure you the chapters are related.

I have troublesome feet, so I wear orthotic inserts. I also have had trouble finding comfortable shoes, so when I discovered some Brooks runners that fit my feet comfortably, I bought them and wore them happily nearly every day. At last they started to look slightly worn. I went back to the same store and bought exactly the same thing again. Well, they were ever so slightly different in colour, but basically the same shoe. One would be my good pair and the other the “beater” pair. See the “beaters” below.


For now, until I would get a second pair of orthotic inserts, I put my orthotics into the shoes I wore most often (the beater pair). Last summer I bought a pair of Costco Dr. Scholl inserts as spares for the time being and put them in my new runners.

The other day I put on my shoes to go out. The left one was a bit tight, so I loosened the laces. That was better. I was going to loosen the right shoelace as well, but then I realized that, although it was snugly laced, it was comfortable as it was.

“Hmm…I wonder why that is.” My right foot should be bigger if anything, and a tighter squeeze, so why is that shoe more comfortable?” I put my weight on one shoe and  then the other. Definitely, the right shoe felt better on my feet. I had a closer look. You can take a look too. Do you see what I see?


When I discovered what I was wearing, I went looking for my other pair of runners. In the garage was a pair of Brooks, as mismatched as the ones on my feet, but my mumbled “OMG” got louder when I discovered that the “odd couple” in the garage had the Costco Dr. Scholl’s inserts in them. Remember, I had bought these inserts months ago, so if there was one Dr. Scholl’s in each of these shoes, they must have been like this since last summer.

Gradually a growing horror dawned on me. I had been wearing mismatched shoes since last summer and this was now almost December. I thought of all the places I had been and the homes where I visited and took my shoes off at the door. I had even been to the doctor to get a referral for new orthotics!  “OMG! OMG! OMG!”

It must be my punishment for laughing at the Captain’s two left feet.


Author: wordsfromanneli

Writing, travel, photography, nature, more writing....

35 thoughts on “Two Left Feet

  1. Oh my gosh, Anneli! This is so funny, I am glad that you made this discovery. 😂❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The Tale of Two Shoes! Or is that Two Left Feet? So funny! 😁I have done similar things before and then felt utterly stupid afterwards until my sense of humour caught up with me.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Your shoeproblems I can understand but having on your feet two left boots must be very uncomfortable. I am still laughing.


  4. Like 1.5 years???? OMG. Hilarious!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. So etwas kann durchaus passieren 😅😀


  6. Funny tale! I think this has happened to us all, in one way or another 😊


  7. A great story that you must have published before I followed you!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. That is a wonderful story. I’m laughing with you, hoping you never get wind of my stupid stuff!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. That’s hilarious. It’s good to laugh at ourselves. This is unrelated to feet, but here’s my story. The nurse at the doctor’s office had her cell phone notification sound go off. It was the sound that Willy Wonka called the Oompa Loompas with. I said, “Oops, I better go. Wonka’s calling me.”
    Umm, joke is, I’m really, really short. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Well done Anneli! For now on, I will be making sure to stay alert for my own two left feet . . . especially on the dance floor.


  11. Now that’s a funny story! You and the captain make a great pair 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  12. So funny, Anneli. Both stories. I can’t say I’ve worn two left shoes (or two right ones) at any time, but I’ve definitely worn different shoes… and a lot more different than yours. I think I must have been half asleep when I put them on. Thanks for sharing the laugh. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  13. A great funny story and nice you can laugh at yourself Anneli. I have put too left shoes or rubber boots on the odd time and wondered why they felt funny, but went with it anyway. Thanks for sharing. Allan

    Liked by 1 person

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