
Thoughts, ideas, photos, and stories.



My apologies for a whole series of posts with photos taken as we whizzed past in the truck and trailer, but in this post, I hope to convey a feeling more than to show any particular fantastic photo.

Going through the little town of Keremeos in the South Okanagan, in spite of the chilly fall air, we are always warmed by the festive attitude of the residents. It’s harvest time, and rather than have scarecrows, they have straw people all through the downtown area. I wish I could have done them justice with less blurry shots, but you’ll get the idea of the fun on the streets of this fruit growing town.

Can you find the straw people? Two in this photo.


One here.

Two here.

Two here.

One here.

All seem to be pointing to the fruit markets that line the road farther along.

Did you know that pumpkins are a tasty vegetable when prepared as you would any other squash?

This is pumpkin time, as well as onions, garlic, and winter apple time.

Squashes and cauliflowers, melons and tomatoes.

And if you don’t feel like shopping but just want to stop for a bit and let the kids play in the park, the local quail welcomes you. He’s like the quail version of “Big Bird.” Can you see him there to the left of the big tree with the yellow leaves?

Here is a close up of him – although very blurry – to help you find him.

The Okanagan is full of quail, quite tiny wild chicken-like birds that have so many cute habits it’s a shame to kill them for food (although I must admit, they are SO tasty).

I love quail, dead (on my plate) or alive (in my backyard), but mostly alive.

This “Big Bird” put a long-lasting smile on my face as we drove through Keremeos.


Author: wordsfromanneli

Writing, travel, photography, nature, more writing....

18 thoughts on “Keremeos

  1. Same here, just a little different. Nice pictures!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Lovely little town with all those colors.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. No need, Anneli, to apologize for having posted photos. You take great photos. I always enjoy them, as I enjoyed these. đŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s just frustrating to post blurry pictures because of taking them while driving. My camera is better than that, but we can’t stop with the trailer in tow. Still, I’m happy to see that you got something out of them. Thank you.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Perhaps the straw people are actually missing tourists who took photos of their secret rituals? Ha ha ha. I am just pulling your leg. Lovely photos, as usual, and I also LOVE Keremeos. Thanks so much for sharing this.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I like to go there for fruit and veggies. And wine. đŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  6. So, is this town on your side of the border in Canada? Living amongst those mountains is an unattainable dream to me. Such a homey place, too.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. You convey a nice small town atmosphere in these fall pictures.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Delightful, Anneli. I love the big quail.

    Liked by 1 person

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